AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb) specs.
CPU Processors Specs >> AMD >> AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
Basic Specs AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
Kernel AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
Number of cores:
45 nm
Frequency characteristics AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
Clock frequency:
2500 MHz
System bus:
A multiplication factor:
The voltage on the kernel:
0.825 B
Integrated memory controller:
there, the band 21 GB/s
Cache AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
The amount of L1 cache:
128 KB
The amount of L2 cache:
2048 KB
The amount of L3 cache:
6144 KB
Instruction sets AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, 3DNow!
Support for AMD64/EM64T:
Support NX Bit:
Support Virtualization Technology:
Detailed Specs AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
Typical heat dissipation:
65 W
Maximum operating temperature:
70 C
Additional information:
the voltage on the kernel 0.825-1.25V
Reviews, Questions about AMD Phenom II X4 Deneb 905e (AM3, L3 6144Kb)
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