Western Digital WD1200JD specs.
Hard drives Specs >> Western Digital >> Western Digital WD1200JD
General characteristics Western Digital WD1200JD
WD Caviar SE
Form factor HDD:
Drive specifications Western Digital WD1200JD
120 GB
Buffer memory:
8 MB
The number of heads:
Speed of rotation:
7200 rpm
Interface Western Digital WD1200JD
SATA 1.5Gb/s
External data transfer rate:
300 MB/s
Internal data transfer rate:
972 Mbits/s
Temporal characteristics Western Digital WD1200JD
Average access time, reading:
8.9 MS
Average access time, record:
10.9 MS
Access time full stroke:
21 MS
Access time track to track:
2 MS
The average time delay (Latency):
4.2 MS
Mechanics/Reliability Western Digital WD1200JD
Shock resistance at work:
65 G
Shock resistance during storage:
300 G
Noise idle:
33 dB
Operating noise level:
35 dB
Additionally Western Digital WD1200JD
Power consumption:
9.50 W
Dimensions (WxHxL):
101.6x26x147 mm
730 g
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