Raspberry has unveiled a mini-PC in the form of a keyboard |
Raspberry has unveiled the Pi 500, a Pi5 single-board computer in a keyboard case. In fact, it is a low-cost mini-PC capable of playing 4K video. The company told us what else is remarkable about the novelty. Raspberry Pi 500 is made in the TKL-keyboard format: two microHDMI ports, a Type-C port and three USB Type-A ports along with an Ethernet connector fit into the case. There's also a 40-pin GPIO connector and a memory card slot. The latter replaces the built-in memory and is used for data storage and running the OS. The hardware platform is based on a quad-coreA quad-core processor is a chip with four independent units called cores that read and execute central processing unit (CPU) instructions such as add, move data, and branch., 64-bit processor based on Cortex-A76 cores with a frequency of up to 2.4 GHz, and the amount of LPDDR4-3200 RAMRandom Access Memory (RAM) is the place in a computer where the operating system, application programs, and data in current use are kept so that they can be quickly reached by the computers processor. is 8 GB. You can connect to the network using dual-band Wi-FiWi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. A common misconception is that the term Wi-FiWi-Fi is a type of wireless networking protocol that allows devices to communicate without cords or cables. Wi-Fi is technically an industry term that represents a type of wireless local area network (LAN) protocol based on the 802.11 IEEE network standard. It is the most popular means of communicating data wirelessly, within a fixed location, today. is short for "wireless fidelity," however this is not the case. Wi-FiWi-Fi is a type of wireless networking protocol that allows devices to communicate without cords or cables. Wi-Fi is technically an industry term that represents a type of wireless local area network (LAN) protocol based on the 802.11 IEEE network standard. It is the most popular means of communicating data wirelessly, within a fixed location, today. is simply a trademarked phrase that means IEEE 802.11x., and to other devices via Bluetooth 5.0Bluetooth 5.0 is an amazing technology that gives you outstanding range compared to its 4.2 counterparts. Bluetooth 5.0 can quadruple the range of its predecessor, meaning that you can get around 800 feet away from your compatible speakers, headphones or fitness tracker while keeping the connectivity intact. You will also enjoy twice the speed of data transfer compared to the previous version of this technology.. BLE. Raspberry Pi 500 runs on the Raspberry Pi OS based on the Debian Linux distribution. |