18001000: PSD (X) error. Hall element (X axis) position detect error in OIS unit 18002000: PSD (Y) error. Hall element (Y axis) position detect error in OIS unit 18003000: GYRO (X) error. Gyro (IC7301: X axis) detect error on Main P.C.B. 18004000: GYRO (Y) error. Gyro (IC7301: Y axis) detect error on Main P.C.B. 18005000: MREF error (Reference voltage error) 18006000: Drive voltage (X) error 18007000: Drive voltage (Y) error 18000100: HP Low detect error (C.B. encoder (full retract) always Low detect) 18000200: HP High detect error (C.B. encoder (full retract) always High detect) 18000300: ENC1 detect error (C.B. motor encoder 1 detect error) 18000400: ENC2 detect error (C.B. motor encoder 2 detect error) 18000001: HP Low detect error (Focus encoder always Low detect error) 18000002: HP High detect error (Focus encoder always High detect error) 18000005: Focus lock error (Focus cannot be drive to a specified position) 18000006: Focus comparison signal (A aspect) is irregular 18000007: Focus comparison signal (B aspect) is irregular 18000008: Focus REF voltage is irregular 10030000: Lens cap error 18010000: Power ON time out error 18020000: Power OFF time out error 19002000: Yaw direction amplitude error (small) 19003000: Pitch direction amplitude error (small) 19004000: Yaw direction amplitude error (large) 19005000: Pitch direction amplitude error (large) 19006000: MREF error 19007000: Time out error 19008000: Yaw direction off set error 19009000: Pitch direction off set error 1900A000: Yaw direction gain error 1900B000: Pitch direction gain error 1900C000: Yaw direction position sensor error 1900D000: Pitch direction position sensor error 1900E000: OIS adj. other error 28000000: Flash charging error. 2B000001: EEPROM read error 2B000002: EEPROM write error 2C000001: SYSTEM IC initialize failure error 30000001-30000007: CPU Errors 31000001: Card logic error 31000002: Card physical error 31000004: Write error 31000005: Format error 38000001: Camera task finish process time out. 38000002: Camera task invalid code error. 38000100: File time out error in recording motion image 38000200: File data send error in recording motion image 38000300: Single or burst recording brake time out. 3B000000: FLASHROM processing early period of camera during movement 3C000000: Not complete zoom lens processing 35000000: Dummy processing = Injustice command (0-7bit : command, 8-15bit : Status) 35010000: Though record preprocessing is necessary, it is not called 35020000: Though record preprocessing is necessary, it is not completed